Some Important Guidelines to follow!
The Rules below are held to the same standard for all members, including staff. Should a rule be broken, the appropriate action will be taken depending on the situation and severity. We want everyone to have fun and enjoy their time in the group, so do understand we simply have to uphold that environment.
These rules apply to the Discord server and Deviantart group simultaneously.
N.1 - Be Kind and Respectful.
The group is supposed to be a fun place! We understand people will clash, and that is absolutely fine, but that kind of energy should not be something that is harbored into the group. If our members have an issue with each other, they should be able to settle such privately or reach out to staff if it affects the group in some way.
Additionally, please do not bring any rants of particular people in the group or server. Most times, it only brings about more toxicity then constructive conversation. We'd like to avoid it entirely.
Any harassment or threats of our members or people/groups outside of our base are a bannable offense and will be dealt with as necessary. This also includes flinging derogatory terms, among other things. Please just treat others as you'd want to be treated.
N.1.2 - Please Listen to Staff!
The group is supposed to be a fun place! We understand people will clash, and that is absolutely fine, but that kind of energy should not be something that is harbored into the group. If our members have an issue with each other, they should be able to settle such privately or reach out to staff if it affects the group in some way.
Additionally, please do not bring any rants of particular people in the group or server. Most times, it only brings about more toxicity then constructive conversation. We'd like to avoid it entirely.
Any harassment or threats of our members or people/groups outside of our base are a bannable offense and will be dealt with as necessary. This also includes flinging derogatory terms, among other things. Please just be kind.
N.2 - Stealing and Tracing are forbidden.
The group is supposed to be a fun place! We understand people will clash, and that is absolutely fine, but that kind of energy should not be something that is harbored into the group. If our members have an issue with each other, they should be able to settle such privately or reach out to staff if it affects the group in some way.
Additionally, please do not bring any rants of particular people in the group or server. Most times, it only brings about more toxicity then constructive conversation. We'd like to avoid it entirely.
Any harassment or threats of our members or people/groups outside of our base are a bannable offense and will be dealt with as necessary. This also includes flinging derogatory terms, among other things. Please just be kind.
N.3 - We do not allow multiple accounts.
If you are looking to switch accounts or go under a name change and want to keep your progress, bring it up with Staff so we can make sure our trackers are up to date! But you can only have one account towards Grave of Willows at all times. Having Multiple accounts is considered cheating and gives an unfair advantage when it comes to events, raffles, etc. If we discover that you possess multiple accounts, your progress will be nulled and you could potentially receive a boot from the group.
N.4 - Grave Of Willows both contains and allows more mature themes.
Consider a loose PG-16 rating. As long as themes are within reason, we allow our members to explore them with their character's stories so long as they're handled with care and respect. Of course, there are certain themes that, for a sake of things, we are barring entirely. Such as follows:
N.4.2 - Sexual content is not permitted in the group. Period.
Granted as they're within reason and that such topics are handled with care and respect.
N.5 - PLEASE avoid minimodding!
We understand wanting to help each other, and answering a quick question is ok if you're 100% on the answer! But ultimately, helping our members is up to us, and we want to make sure it's done right without any misinformation.
N.6 - Items and such in Grave Of Willows should NEVER be exchanged for real-world currency!
That's just kinda crummy dude.
N.7 - Don't delete your applications!
Deleting an application sheet means that the character never existed! This is the only way we can have actual proof they are, indeed, a legitimate character.
N.8 - Swearing is fine in moderation.
As long as no derogatory slurs are used, which is a bannable offense, and that these are not used excessively or directed at anyone else, it's allowed. Somedays I hold my tongue, Other days I don't give a shit.
Warning/Strike System:
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